Make a commitment to yourself by joining the Self-Compassion Community, which is dedicated to helping people develop more inner warmth and support. As a member, you will have access to:
Self-compassion is simply the process of turning compassion inward.  We’re kind and understanding rather than harshly self-critical when we fail, make mistakes, or feel inadequate.  We give ourselves support and encouragement rather than being cold or judgmental when challenges and difficulties arise in our lives. Research indicates that self-compassion is one of the most powerful sources of coping and resilience we have available, radically improving our mental and physical wellbeing. It motivates us to make changes and reach our goals not because we’re inadequate, but because we care and want to be happy.
This website offers information about self-compassion, as well as research, guided practices, and a way to test your own self-compassion level. You can also register for a free intro session with one of our qualified teachers. Finally, when you are ready to commit to developing this life-changing skill, we encourage you to also join the Self-Compassion Community. Â
Kristin Neff, Ph.D. is a pioneer in the study of self-compassion, being the first one to operationally define and measure the construct more than twenty years ago. She has been recognized as one of the world’s most influential research psychologists. Together with her colleague Dr. Chris Germer, she has created several empirically supported self-compassion training programs and co-founded the Center for Mindful Self-compassion. Dr. Neff has written several best-selling books about self-compassion, and is often featured in podcasts and other media advocating for the power of self-compassion to change lives.
Perhaps one of the most important commitments we can make is to show up for ourselves in a supportive way. But how many of us make an intentional, conscious commitment to ourselves?
The 2024 US election exposed a divided nation and alienation on each side. The common humanity of suffering helps us recognize that we all belong.
To meditate or not to meditate, that is the question. The empirical answer may surprise some of you: It’s not necessary to meditate to learn self-compassion.
This classic book is the place to start to learn how to treat yourself as you would a friend, enabling you to achieve your highest potential and live a more fulfilled life.
Fierce Self-Compassion involves taking action to protect, motivate and provide for ourselves. This book reveals how to use self-compassion to transform ourselves and the world.
This workbook takes readers through the essentials of the Mindful Self-Compassion program. It will help you develop the life-changing skill of self-compassion.
This practical and engaging book offers tools to help you learn quick and powerful ways to recharge your batteries, de-stress, and, above all, be kind to yourself--so you can be there for others.
We value your feedback and aim to continuously improve our services. Please take a moment to share your reasons for cancelling your membership so we can better serve our community.