Bonus Materials

Bonus Materials (Placeholder Page)

Currently this page is unpublished. We will develop this section and publish it later.

The only thing we currently have are the three Brene Brown Videos (please link them in the carousel)

Possible additions that are coming: There is a documentary from Sounds True. We can’t include the whole documentary here, but we might be able to have the trailer and link to the platform where our members can watch it. That platform, called Sounds True will give our members two free months of membership. We are still figuring out the details of that relationship

We also might include access to a documentary about Kristin’s son (and resources to Austism support resources)

Conversations with Brené Brown

Brene Brown

Brené Brown is a researcher and storyteller who’s spent two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy.



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Note: Since processing these applications take time, it can take 2-3 weeks to receive the next steps email from us. We appreciate your patience.

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One of the kindest things you can do for another is to give them the gift of self-compassion.



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